High Street
Avoca in Dja Dja Wurrung
The Avoca High Street Master Plan is a visionary project that draws inspiration from the natural beauty, geological heritage, historical significance, and agricultural importance of the Avoca township in the Victorian central highlands. It seeks to revitalize the High Street precinct, positioning it as a focal point for community pride and activity.
The redevelopment of this precinct aims to address existing infrastructure deficiencies while enhancing its visual appeal and functionality. This includes the introduction of new elements such as custom street furniture, paving, and the planting of high canopy street trees. These improvements not only improve the streetscape’s aesthetics but also help mitigate extreme weather conditions and traffic-related challenges.
Through these upgrades, the project aims to create a more defined and cohesive streetscape, slowing down traffic, encouraging visitation, and consolidating the core of the High Street precinct. It maintains the area’s rural character while enhancing accessibility and connectivity, thus showcasing the unique qualities of the region.
Ultimately, the Avoca High Street Master Plan transforms the High Street precinct into a vibrant and inviting place for social gatherings and events, benefiting both visitors exploring the region and the local community. It exemplifies a successful urban design approach by preserving heritage, enhancing functionality, and fostering community engagement in a way that celebrates the town’s rich history and natural surroundings.